Monday, March 11, 2013


Last weekend I got to go to an international equestrian event that is held in my city each year. It's pretty exciting, because my city is not that big, so it's cool we have it here. I've loved horses since I was born practically, and been riding since I was nine (though I'm so busy I haven't done much riding in recent years). Anyways, here are some pics I took.

Sometimes I get to combine my passions and sneak equine things into my books (or in the case of my last book, have the entire thing involve horses). What are your other passions besides writing? Do you ever get to combine them?

Hope you're having an awesome week :)

Saturday, March 2, 2013

You've Got To Be Kidding Me

Recently I decided to pick up the first book in a very popular series that I've heard rave reviews about for years. I was super excited to check it out and had honestly felt remiss for not doing so sooner. So, I started reading it. It was good. I got even more excited. I get to about page 60 in the book, when the main character (a woman), meets the secondary main character (a man). The man comes to the woman's house in the middle of the night (they have never met before), enters her house without her permission, and then she becomes instantly aroused, throws herself at him physically, and they get busy in her living room.

Wait, what??

Yeah, I hope that's what you're saying. Because what rational, intelligent woman would instantly desire to sleep with a complete stranger who has broken into her house? It doesn't matter how hot this man is. I would find a weapon and bash that a**hole's head in. No stranger better come into my house at any time of day without permission and expect a welcome reception, let alone sex.

What is up with this? How is this okay? I am very disturbed by the extreme sexism here, not to mention this book is written by a woman. I've of course heard of this tired plot in bad romance novels, but this is a popular fantasy series. Or, perhaps it's technically paranormal romance, but I thought those were a little more intelligent and were supposed to have strong females leads. Now, don't get me wrong, I love some romance and bedroom action in my books. But not if it makes women look completely moronic. Not to mention, a slow build to the booty scenes is so much more satisfying anyways. If they hook up right away, where's the tension? Oh, that's right, it fell off with that chic's panties.

So, pipe up here - where do you fall on the romance spectrum? Are you okay with home invasion stranger sex (and if so, why?)? Or are you like me and prefer a liberal dash of intelligence and non-degradation of women with your nooky? I want to hear from the guys, too!

Okay, I'm off the soapbox now.... hope you're having a good weekend :)