Saturday, September 16, 2017

Summer Summary and Trick or Tweet, Anyone?

Hi, friends!

I'm happy to announce that Huntress Lost, the second in The Timekeeper's War Series, is coming along nicely, and also that my agent and I are officially on submission for my YA fantasy Of Blood, Earth, and Magic. It's been a busy summer and I'm looking forward to an even busier fall! FYI, you've probably noticed I'm not blogging here much these days, so hit me up on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram where I hang out much more.

In other news, over at, we are super excited to announce our next event: 13 Treats! It will run from Friday the 13th of October through the 19th of October, and we're doing something fun and new this time. We'll have a classic giveaway, but this time we're also having a Twitter party, too, and you'll have more chances to win awesome UF and PNR books!

If you're an author and you'd like to sign up (it's free!), go here. And if you'd like to support our Thunderclap campaign and spread the news, go here.

How was your summer? I'd love to hear what's up!