Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday Night Sabotage

It's amazing how fast one can move from writing many pages a day and having a perfect writing schedule to being completely.... I don't even know a good word for it. It's not writers block, because I know where the story is going and its flowing nicely. It's not exactly plain old procrastination either. I just don't feel like working on my WIP now.

I think maybe because everything was moving along so swimmingly, I'm having some sort of weird self-sabotage thing. I've never had a story with such strong voice, or one that just kind of poured out of my head like this one. I think I blew an inspiration gasket or something. That ever happen to anybody else, or am I going overboard with the neurotic writer thing?

Moving on to a fun topic (yay weekend, after all!), Michelle Fayard awarded me with the Saavy Sensation Award for my urban fantasy newsletter, Raven Moon.

Thanks, Michelle! This is a high honor coming from someone as saavy and sensational as you! The only criteria is to pass it on to someone who is amazing, inspiring and enthusiastic, so I would like to pass this award along to An Alleged Author and Lydia Kang of The Word is My Oyster. These ladies both write lots of delightful posts and I love to visit their blogs. Pop over and say hi for me!

Happy weekend, everyone!


  1. Hope you get out of your way soon, and get back to the groove. You can do it. I know you can.

  2. Yeah, you're just being neurotic. Welcome to the club! Now you're a real writer. LOL

  3. I checked out the two bloggers you mention. Very good.

  4. Congrats on the award and yay for passing it on to those two awesome bloggers. =o)

    I think you're just standing in your own way. Write. Even when you don't feel like it - write. (Of course, I need to take my own advice here. I haven't felt like writing in months and right now, I don't even feel like editing. Bleh.)

  5. Well, I hope you get your gasket fixed! Congratulations on the award.

  6. Congratulations on the award Alexia!

    As for the writing standstill thing, it happens. Sometimes you work so hard on something that you burn yourself out on it. When that happens to me, I take a break from it, do something I love doing like painting or gaming, and then go back to it when my brain is sufficiently rested. I know you'll be able to recapture the magic!

  7. I do the same thing, Alexia, where I'll be on a total roll and then just stop writing. I don't know if it's a case of blowing a fuse from too many great ideas coming all at once or if I'm afraid of success--or of writing something that will leave people thinking "What kind of person would think that?" I know this happened to me a few times when the sadistic slave catcher in my book got up to some particularly nasty tricks.

    I'm hopping over now to say hello to the award winners. :)

  8. Congratulations on your award! Perhaps you just have a little writers fatigue. I hope you get your engine revving soon.

  9. Thank you so much for the award! I think sometimes it's okay to stop work on the WIP so you can do other things. :)

  10. This has definitely happened to me, where I just don't feel like writing, even though I know exactly what I need to write. Take a break, don't stress about it, and it'll happen! Congrats on the award!

  11. Hope you get your groove back soon :) In the meantime, treat it as good old procrastination and go stumbling for a few hours, hehe.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I agree with Alleged Author - perhaps you need a time out. Give to yourself - perhaps write something different and you'll come back with loads of enthusiasm!

    Congrats on the award!

  14. Hey! New subscriber, found you through Alleged Author. I think when you have too clear an idea of where a story is going it can be intimidating, because you know it's impossible to get it down on the page exactly the same way it is in your head. It can be hard to overcome.

  15. Congrats on the award. I hear you. Sometimes I out so much in that my brain just gets fried!

  16. Congrats on the award. Last month my brain was deep fried. Now its back to normal.

  17. Hi, Alexia, first congratulations on how everything was rolling along before it suddenly came to a standstill. I don't think you have writer's block, I think you just burned yourself out and need to "fill the well". When that happens to me, I do something unrelated, like gardening, or I make up lists, or read some poetry, just to refill. Meanwhile, congratulations on the award as well.

  18. Popped in to see how you're doing with your writing. Hope it's going good again.

  19. YES! Sometimes I think it is self sabatoge and sometimes I think it's pure burnout. You get so much out so fast that you just fizzle. I say rejuvinate and go back to it. That is awesome you feel so good about where you are in your wip!
    And congrats on the award too:)


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