Wednesday, March 9, 2011

There's Blood in the Water...

I'm getting critiqued over at Carol's blog today!!
Pop over and take a look - she does an excellent job of identifying lots of technical writing things. I'm trying to get better at that stuff. Learn from my public flaying! Heck, flay me yourself :)

Oh, and remember how bummed I was that I didn't get into the Miss Snark's First Victim critique thing last week? Well she did a second round and I got in! I think she's going to post all twenty-five excerpts tomorrow or Friday. I'm entry number 44.

Two in one week? Yeah, I'm a masochist.

Stop back Friday for my pitches, and then Monday will be my final pre-conference post before me and Colene's blogfest on Thursday the 17th.


  1. I'm hopping over to see the critique now! How exciting!

  2. Congrats on making the second round! So exciting!

  3. I am so psyched by the blogs I am reading. Can't wait to see what the SPD blogfest brings out!

  4. Best of luck on your critiques that's fantastic! Can't wait to read them.

  5. I will hop over to see your critique. You have been very busy.

  6. Nah, not a masochist. I've said it before and I'll say it again: you are brave and you are going for it! Proud of you!


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