Tuesday, August 25, 2015

I'm Repped!!!!

I am ecstatic to announce that I'm now represented by Sandy Lu of the L. Perkins Agency in New York!!!

It's pretty surreal to be writing that sentence. I've imagined how this post would look for a VERY long time. Five years of serious writing (not counting my teen years), four complete novels and many partials, and countless agent queries have led to this moment.

This song, which I adore, came on a few minutes after Sandy and I spoke and pretty much sums up how I was feeling:

Side note: Awesome music video. Looks like Billy Idol predicted the whole zombie craze :)

So, Sandy will be looking for a publisher for my fourth novel, Huntress Found, a new adult contemporary fantasy about a descendant of Artemis who can hunt through time and space. I LOVE this story and the characters, and I'm so glad I found someone to champion it.

This does mean that I need to delay my release of Martinis with the Devil, my second novel, which I was planning to self-pub in October. More details on that to come!

A HUGE thank you to all my writer friends for supporting me on the journey thus far. And this is just the beginning of a new journey! As The Doctor would say:


Thursday, August 20, 2015

LOTS of news!

Hello! I kept trying to think of a good blog post title, but really there's SO much fun stuff going on, I couldn't narrow it down.

First, it's been two weeks since Black Magic & Mojitos came out. That's two weeks since I became a published author for the first time. Two weeks since I put my art out into the world to see what the world thought of it. Two weeks of AMAZING support from my writer friends (YOU!). It's still quite surreal. I'm not breaking any sales records, but about 60 people bought it or downloaded it for free when I ran my promo last weekend on Amazon. That's 60 people that have my book in their hot little hands (well, e-reader to be specific). And some of those read it already and loved it. And random people I don't know on Goodreads have read it and rated it. It's so fun talking to people about it, or reading their reviews! No bad reviews yet, though I know those will come (it's an inevitable badge of honor as a writer). On my Amazon royalty report I can see that in addition to the US, some readers in the UK, Australia and Germany have purchased it. Can't wait for more international readers to pop on there :)

In short, it's just SO WONDERFUL to finally be sharing my writing. Love it.

Other news! On the 31st I'm going to reveal the cover for Martinis with the Devil, the first full length Zyan Star novel, and it'll be up on Amazon for pre-order! Release date for Martinis is October 13th. If you'd like an ARC, which will be ready within the first couple weeks of September after I finish formatting, let me know and I'll put you on the list. You guys are going to LOVE the cover. It's so pretty. The inside's not bad either ;)

More news! I will be attending Dragon Con in Atlanta for the first time!! So stoked. I've been wanting to go for years, and it's finally happening. I got some glossy postcards to hand out for my books, and I also got t-shirts made for me and my sister to wear with my book covers. It'll be a blast!

How goes it in your world? Going to Dragon Con by chance? TTFN!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Here, There and Everywhere!

Hi, writer peeps! I've had the fortune of being featured on several blogs this week, so I figured I should throw up some links so you can come say hi :)

DL Hammons and I did a really fun interview in his blog-cave here.

Cherie Reich read and reviewed Black Magic and Mojitos and gave it five stars! Here's her review (scroll down a bit).

And last but certainly not least, Alex Cavanaugh gave a shout out to Mojitos on his blog! Also scroll down a bit.

What a fun week! I have awesome writing buddies :)

Friday, August 7, 2015

Book Birthday! Welcome to the World, Black Magic & Mojitos

My title mostly says it all. Today my FIRST book is released into the world. Not the first one I wrote, for sure, but the first one to step forth into the literary arena! I am now a published author. Super surreal.

If you'd like a copy at 99 cents, hop on over to Amazon and wish Mojitos a happy, happy birthday. A HUGE thanks to all of my writer friends and my awesome family for supporting me through the years leading to this day. You all ROCK.