I imagine you already know Jen, because she has an awesome blog and I see her comments on blogs all over the place. But, in case you aren't already acquainted with her, she's got a really fun, cool and addictive blog, so stop on by Unedited!
Let the interview begin!
What is your writing process?
For me it's simple. I get an idea and I write. I know several people outline, learn about their characters, make road maps. I'm not that way. A panster through and through. I write fast, but I revise slow.
Share a writing ‘aha’ moment with us, when you experienced a breakthrough or lesson of some sort.
The day I started blogging. I thought getting published was simple. Write a book, call a publisher. The aha moments have been each time I talk to a fellow writer and several authors. They always say it's tough, but they wouldn't change it for the world. Those are the moments I cherish.
How did you gain 1,000 followers in one year?
Everyone asks me that! They're hoping I have a secret, I often tell people it's the sparkle dust that's spread all over my blog, it's like a drug, draws you in and captivates you. Really I suppose it's hard work and dedication. I keep the blog 100% me, what I'd want to read, no matter how random. It seems to be working so far.
Which industry professionals are you most addicted to and why?
I'm not one that really follows the professionals, I ask those who are new in the industry what it's like. Fellow writers trying to get their big break, authors who've done and are to be published within a year or two. They seem to have a great understanding of the NOW. I heard them for it.
Tell us about your current project.
My current project is titled In The Mind of a Celebrity Stalker. It's about a 24 year old girl named Jules who has a complicated life, to cope she journals and since she is so ecentric she decides to talk to celebrities in which often times she takes things a little too far. There's love, hate, and just some outrageously fun moments in her life.
What is your MC's favorite cocktail (or other beverage)? Dessert?
For Jules she loves herself a martini, any flavor, all depends on her mood. Her dessert of choice would be Paula Deen's Apple Pie.
You rock, Jen! Thanks so much for stopping by and spreading the love.
The interviews continue on Wednesday, so pop on by to hear the latest from Jennifer Hillier! Happy Monday, writer friends!