Monday, January 3, 2011

My Top 10 of '10

Top 10 Writing Experiences of 2010

10. Learning the joys of editing, editing and more editing. And by joys I mean brain-scrambling masochism.

9. Learning how to write a query letter and synopsis and properly format sample pages.

8. Having the guts to put myself out there, and learning from my query mistakes.

7. Reading Janet Reid’s Query Shark blog in its entirety (like several hundred blog posts but worth every bit of time it took).

6. Choosing my top pick agent as my first query to send, getting rejected and crying my heart out. Followed by significant amounts of comfort food.

5. Growing a thick skin from that one rejection (putting on my big girl pants).

4. Getting a partial request from an agent!

3. Getting rejected on the partial request, but getting feedback that validated my own thoughts on the weak points of the book, thus leading to the biggest rewrite of them all.

2. Starting this blog and getting to know all of you awesome writers!

1. Finishing my first whole novel!

Here’s to a 2011 with writing dreams fulfilled for us all!


  1. Wow. You've done a lot this year! COngrats. I hope 2011 brings you even more successes!

  2. I second that WOW! That is A LOT. I too wish the best for you in 2011! Can't imagine what all you will do this year, having done all that last year! It has been a true pleasure getting to know you!

  3. What a fantastic ride so far! Big girl pants are overrated, IMO, but copious amounts of comfort food? Never. =)

  4. That sounds like an awesome year - even with the rejections. Here's to an incredible 2011, with lots of requests that turn into copious offers. =o)

  5. Special congratulations for finishing your novel and for reading ALL of Query Shark. Hats off to you!

  6. Wow! You did all this in a year? Nice work, Alexia. That's about what I've learned in the last five years. You'll be published before me at this rate. Keep up the good writ! :)

  7. Great list. I can relate to getting rejected by your top pick agent. Bummer! Just keep at it. :) 2011 - watch out!

  8. What an amazing list. I love your #1 the best. There's nothing like that feeling. It's kind of like running a marathon and finishing (except I've never done that...hmm. Maybe I'll put that on my to do list someday!)

  9. I have heard a lot about Query Shark. Will check it out. Your list is amazing. Keep polishing that manuscript and before you know it an agent would have picked it up. :)

  10. Great list! Congrats on finishing your first novel! Here's to many more! :o)

  11. Sounds like you've had a year of growth and that is always good! Here's to another one in, hopefully, new ways that are maybe not quite so painful.

  12. Congrats on everything! What an awesome year for you! It's so tough putting yourself out there (something I knew but am rediscovering on a whole new level with my first round of queries). Kudos. :)

  13. Yay! Sounds like you learned a lot this year! Even though you got rejected, that feedback must have been a big help. Here's to a new year and new adventures!

  14. Wow! Congrats on a great year and best of luck in 2011! Christy


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