Wednesday, October 20, 2010


So, writing friends, I thought I'd periodically have a daydream topic for us to all imagine we are famous writers and have awesome literary careers.  For this first foray into dreamland, I pose the following question: describe your book release party, in full grandiose/funky/artsy detail (pretend there's no budget).

Here goes mine.  So, first, I hire the Ace of Cakes to make some kind of super amazing and stupendous cake because A) they rock and B) it would be awesome to have my book talked about on TV.  Did anyone ever see the fabulous cake they made for the Ghost Girl book?  It was ridiculous. 

My book is about a witch, so I would have a very dark theme going on.  Black tablecloths and centerpieces with dark or dark purplish flowers.  Maybe a raven and moon motif... something sparkly to represent magic.  Of course wine and martinis.  And I'd tie the whole thing together as a charity fundraiser, maybe supporting the environment or troubled teen girls.  Live music, classical, as a nod to my MC.  But then after lots of wine something more upbeat.  I had the brilliant idea of having shirtless men passing hors d'oeuvres and cocktails, to represent the sexy shapeshifters in my book, but my husband just rolled his eyes. 

So, do tell - what's your ultimate book release party fantasy?  I can't wait to hear all the juicy details!


  1. Love the dream Alexia.. I am not calling it a daydream because I want it to come true for you. I hope you will be sending me an invite for the book launch party.:) launch party would have the characters of my Middle Grade fantasy fiction (Principal and the teachers) from my current WIP welcoming the guests. There would be a sit down dinner followed by a dance where my two Main characters (12 year old girl and her 12 year old boyfriend would start the dance.) Then would come the official release, followed by me reading a few excerpts and signing copies. The entire place would resemble the Academy where my MC studies.


  2. Ack, I've never dreamed about that particular aspect. Speaking at a writer convention, a spot on BookTV... but never a release party. Maybe I could give a nod to my MC's business and hold my release party at Christie's, followed by an auction of rare pieces from all over the world. Because Djinn are the ultimate antique. ;o)

  3. I love these ideas! I love the idea of having characters at the party, and also the antique auction! Super cool. And yes, I will totally invite all of my blog friends to my book release party, whenever that day comes.

  4. Being that I'm originally from Baltimore, I LOVE the Ace of Cakes idea. :) Not to mention I also love including a raven or two because, well, I'm also a Ravens fan.

    Thanks for finding me. Look forward to reading more about you and your stories :)


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